Monday, February 8, 2010

Welcome 2010

Well, we now welcome a new year. Happy New Year!! 2010!! This year we hope to have better sales and to prosper even more!! Gladly enough, we started the year well with a couple of new members!!

These are the groups...


Chooi Fun


Pik Leng

GROUP 3 (....)


Friday, July 10, 2009

They keep coming, don't they?

Today, it was only me, Pik Leng and Ameera. With other guests such as Huda and Ili and some 'pekebuns'.

Same as always, everyone sat under the shade and started their usual routine. Chopping, digging and mixing. Of course with Huda and Ili around, chatting too.

Ameera , Pik Leng , Ili and Huda chopping waste.

Ili and Huda listening to Pik Leng explaining about compost.

Ameera and Pik Leng...

An example of an 'maturing' compost

Waste being violently chopped by Pik Leng.

Our compost's 'home sweet home'.

Friday, July 3, 2009

The soil is calling for you..

As usual started making our compost to add into the batch and well as usual normal noises.
Nadiah and Uma ?? Oh! We also have a new member! Ameera Liyana. Thanks for joining us.

Apart from that, Tuesday 7/7/09, everyone must stayback for the Pencinta Alam meeting. Until 5.00 p.m. Please try and make it. We have lots of work to do.

Look! We have a new member!! Say hello to Ameera Liyana!!

Aisyah chopping..



Example of the compost once added with water,waste and soil.

Friday, June 19, 2009


Successfully packed the last batch of compost and started on a new one today. We were joined by Aziemah and Sarah, our form one juniors. Thank you!

An example of the chopped waste that are used in the compost batch.

Aziemah and Sarah digging soil from the surrounding area to be added and mixed with the chopped waste.

Since there has been some confusion about the time the compost meetings are held, I have decided to post the official times and days of the meeting. Please refer to this information for your references.

2.30 p.m. - 3.30 p.m.

2.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.

Duration of activity may change according to the materials available for processing. Any changes or cancellation of meetings will be informed. Attendance has not been very good, please present yourself during the meetings. Thank you.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Steps In Making Compost

How To Make Compost

Hope this video helped you a bit or two in understanding more about compost.

About Compost

What is compost exactly? Well, compost is a mixture of decaying vegetation and manure; used as fertilisers. Why should you make compost? Compost contributes to the reduction of global wastage.
Instead of throwing out those left-overs after dinner, why not make compost? It's a simple task and does not need big budgets. You may ask what can I change by making compost? You may be one person but every change starts one by one. Imagine a world where everybody contributes to the reduction of global wastage by making compost. Think of the many things we can change. To make your own compost is very easy and only takes you 6 steps. Follow the steps below to learn and make your own compost in your own backyard.

1. Prepare a container with holes and the necessary things such as water, waste and soil.
2. Seperate the waste that is suitable for compost (vegetables and fruits; not bananas and
3. Chop the waste into small bits and pieces to allow the decomposition process to perform faster.
4. Mix the waste and the soil together into the container.
5. Mix a bit of water to make sure the compost is moisture.
6. Leave the compost aside in a hot and humid area and cover the top to avoid rain water from
going in.

Compost may be an easy thing to make but requires a long time to mature; about six months, and needs a whole lot of attention. Tender, love and care. Remember, worms play a big part in your compost. They help and also allow the decomposition process to take place. Always check on the degree of moisture and turn the soil daily.

A good compost will turn brown and earth-like colour. It will not smell and will look very much like the soil we started with.

Why not get started today? Play your part in saving and protecting the earth that we love. You can make a difference.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Mid-Term Holiday Preparation

Look who decided to pay us a visit! Farhanah checking on things. The Pencinta Alam president in the flash.

Kak Long provided lots of waste for us and fortunately, someone actually remembered to ask her for the waste this time. Chopping the waste into bits and pieces so that it is more suitable for the compost.

Finishing up the last batch of compost for the month. Although very much looking forward towards the mid-term break, we're still working..

Nadiah, Pik Leng and Syaqira adding more waste to the current compost. Pictures provided by Uma. Aisyah..where are you??